Saturday, July 13, 2013

Can I share your lane?

Grace and I went to the gym yesterday afternoon. We got there and there was a staff meeting taking place so the Kid's Club was closed. So what better thing to do in the meantime but go shopping? We went to the nearby Walmart which was spacious and new. We walked away spending way too much money but when it comes to Target or Walmart, it's hard to get out spending under fifty bucks. Grace got her first Adirondack chair, balls to add to her ball pit, and an adorable swim suit.

We then went back to the gym, dropped Grace off, and I decided to swim some laps in the pool. There are three lanes in the pool and three people before I got in. I politely asked a woman who was scuba diving in the pool is she minded if I shared her lane. She very rudely requested that I share the lane with the person next to her. So I headed over to the lane next to me where an older gentleman was doing some water aerobics. I get in, swim a few laps, shower, blow dried my hair (while someone was watching my baby: cue angelic sound now please). We went to the gym as a family this morning with the intention of working out and then going to the outdoor pool. Turns out, the pool is closed until noon. We worked out and head towards the pool and run into a lifeguard who tells us the pool is closed because an older gentleman had an accident in the pool..... the same guy who's always in the pool.... the guy I shared a lane with yesterday.....I am just hoping I didn't swallow any water. YUCK!

Last night we had dinner with some couples from our ABF (adult bible fellowship class). They do dinners of 8 every so often as a way to get to know some couples better and "do life" together. Everyone was so welcoming and sweet. The hosts drew everyone into the conversation, the food was excellent, and it was a truly comfortable experience. God does deliver, my friends!

My new favorite summer wine is pictured below. It's priced at around $6.50 and is pretty dry, has a hint of bubbly, and is so refreshing! 

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